Friday, February 25, 2011

Craft Hiatus Almost Over - And Mini Albums!

I have been in Phoenix for the past 25 days.  Meaning I have been away from anything craft-related in 25 days.  I realize now how dependent I have become on creating with paper, even simple things, to make my day a little brighter.  I've been doing my best for fulfill the craft need by shopping for crafts supplies...I hope it will all fit in my suitcase home!

I'll be back to normal on March 2nd... so soon! Looking forward to seeing my amazing husband, loving doggy, and too-cute guinea pig :) I've missed them so much!

Since my blog has been slow-to-post the past few weeks, I wanted to at least share with you all my new mini-album I have up on my etsy shop. I could make these everyday and they would never get old!

These can all be found on my etsy shop and many more mini-albums as well!

Hope you all have an amazing weekend... enjoy the rain as much as you can!

<3 RWK
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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Photographing Desert Textures

Yesterday, on a whim, my mom and I took a quick visit to the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix, AZ.  I wanted to do my own little day study of photographing textures. I was originally just going to photograph desert life in the backyard, but decided the gardens would be much more inspiring!

Please enjoy some of my favorite photographs:

I have a feeling that if I go back in one or two weeks all of the cactus flowers will be in full bloom! Can't wait.

<3 RWK

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Newest Obsession: Unique Salt n Pepper Sets

I've noticed a funky new trend in the simplest housewares accessory: salt shakers! I should have known the best ones would only be found on Etsy! The past few months I've noticed basic home goods stores carrying unique shakers that are far beyond your typical glass and silver set. And I've been searching for the perfect set for my home.

I know ceramics isn't paper-crafts related but I think it's ok to branch out every now n' then :-)

Here are some of my favorite salt and pepper shakers that I found in the wee hours of the morning/night from talented etsy sellers:

by sweetiecaketopper
These colorful salt and pepper shakers are painted by sweetiecaketopper. They completely remind me of the Day of the Dead celebrations that are very big here in Arizona. Sweetiecaketopper on etsy has tons of other unique colors and styles.

by chARiTyelise
Cheer up your kitchen with these multicolored salt and pepper shakers by chARiTyelise. The shakers are made with earthenware clay and glazed with multiple layers to create such a unique tie-dye pattern. These would definitely make for great conversation in the middle of your table!

by nelaceramics
The gorgeous orange pattern on these shakers was handcrafted by nelaceramics.  The shape is created using a potters wheel and is made with elegant porcelain. The great matching tray with these shakers makes it a mini-art piece for your dining room.

by JoyNevada
I thought these shakers by joynevada were too unique to pass up! The characters are called "little fatties" and are drawn on with porcelain inks that can even withstand a dishwasher. You're guaranteed to never have to eat alone again with these girls at your table!

by Creativewithclay 
These salt and pepper shakers are handcrafted so well they look like real soft mini pillows! Creativewithclay created these shakers with durable stoneware and gorgeous glazes. All of the 'trim' of the pillow is hand painted to match. The colors are absolutely stunning!

I hope you enjoyed the shakers I found! And maybe you have a new strange obsession, too

<3 RWK
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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Made it from CT to AZ!

I honestly don't know how I traveled on the day of the worst snow storm in our country's history but I did! And I made it across the country!! Fun story: We had to drive 1.5 hours in the snow storm to get to the airport in Hartford and I didn't even know if my flight was delayed or canceled because everything related to Southwest Airlines was knocked down (nothing was updating online and the phone number wasn't even working). Get to the airport and of course my flight is canceled. They put me on the last flight out of Hartford to connect in Baltimore and oh my goodness I made it to Phoenix in the same day!!!!! I just couldn't believe it.

So anyways I'm home in Phoenix to help out my family.  I am really encouraged by the progress my mom is making even just in the 48 hours I've been home. It's interesting to watch her. You can give her a picture of an elephant and tell her to write what it is and she will flawlessly write "ELEPHANT" but then ask her to point to the letter "E" and she has no idea which one it is. She often doesn't know the different between a letter and a number, but I would still trust her with filing my taxes! I'm so glad I made it home to see her in person, slightly talking to her over the phone just wasn't enough.

Sorry for the life-story post of no crafting relation! I'll most likely be focusing on my photography while I'm in Phoenix... what with lack of all my crafting supplies n' all.
Enjoy these snowy airport pictures

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